Fish Creek Campers Community Forum
After 17 years of providing a platform for campers to connect and share information, we have decided to retire the Fish Creek Campers Community Forum. Over the years, we were proud to have had 3,800 campers sign up on the site with over 12,000 posts specific to Fish Creek and Rollins Pond. However, as the vast majority of campers have moved over to social media, engagement on the forum has become extremely limited.
We encourage you to join these active and informative Facebook groups as well as the New York State Campsite Photos project to stay updated on the latest discussions and happenings at Fish Creek and Rollins Pond!
- New York State Campsite Photos (10,400 members) - also known as campadk.com and BaseCamp, this group covers all OPRHP and DEC campgrounds, and provides updates on new improvements and features on the website, as well as updates and discussion on everything from campground season date changes to comparing individual sites.
- New York State Campsite Cancellations (13,600 members) - this group covers all OPRHP and DEC campgrounds and posts campsite cancellations everyday. We post more cancellations for Fish Creek/Rollins than any other state campground! Also includes reservation related discussions.
We also highly recommend signing up for a BaseCamp account on the New York State Campsite Photos website for full access to over 140,000 campsite photos and a long list of great features for the avid camper including campsite cancellations. As of Dec 2023 we now have a total of over 14,000 photos of campsites just for Fish Creek along with another 8,400 for Rollins Pond. The cost is only $24/year. To sign up Join BaseCamp, or to explore all its features take a tour of BaseCamp.
- Fish Creek Campgrounds Facebook Group (5,600 members) - covers discussions far and wide related to Fish Creek.
- Rollins Pond Campground (3,500 members) - covers discussions far and wide related to Rollins Pond.
Thank you for being a part of our community and we look forward to connecting with you on Facebook.
Last updated: December 27, 2023 12:11:55