Major species of fish, in Fish Creek, Square, and Rollins Ponds are black bass, northern pike, and pan fish. Upper Saranac Lake offers these species, plus lake trout and land locked salmon. Black and Whey Ponds have brook and rainbow trout. Do not forget you're fishing license if you are over the age of 16!
A popular spot for the kids is the boat launch, across the road from site 34.
If you need a watercraft for fishing, canoes and kayaks can be rented from Upper Saranac Marina as well as small fishing boats. They are located just outside the park on Route 30. They can deliver right to your campsite if so desired! They can be reached at 518-891-0480. Canoes can also be rented from MAC's Canoe Livery in Lake Clear, just north of the campground.
A truck also passes through the park with canoes for rent each day.
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Last updated: October 29, 2021 14:18:00