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Here are various weather related sources and forecasts for Fish Creek Pond and area (Lake Clear, Paul Smiths, Tupper Lake, Saranac Lake).
The park considers Weather Underground to be the most reliable.
Remember in the Adirondacks they say "If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes". It's true!
For a glimpse at REAL Time weather near Fish Creek, check out the Chapel Island Web Cam on Upper Saranac, and Paul Smith's, just 10 minutes north (the Chapel Island webcam requires downloading plugin if you are stuck on Internet Explorer).
Here are some webcams for travellers coming up to Fish Creek:
Other Weather Links
AccuWeather 15 Day Forecast (F)
AccuWeather 15 Day Forecast (C)
The Weather Channel 10 Day Forecast
The National Weather Service Forecast
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Last updated: April 16, 2013 12:00:00